Prosthetic Services

Prosthetic Services

Cox Ocular Prosthetics, Inc. provides complete service and care for all ocular prosthesis needs, including:

Custom-Made Ocular Prosthetic Eye

Prosthesis for someone who has been enucleated or eviscerated (had their eye removed).

Custom-Made Scleral Shells:

A thin prosthesis that may be worn over an existing eye that is small and/or has no vision. This requires a referral by your ophthalmologist or optometrist.

Custom Made Conformers

This is used to expand the socket and stimulate orbital development in children.

Insurance information:

If you have in-state Medicaid, or Medicare, you’re covered! However, with most major insurances, patients will need to call their provider and ask for a GAP exception. This one-time in-network contract allows patients from major providers to be accepted through our system. However, there's more to this process than just this step. Depending on your insurance, you may be required to submit prior authorization. Please reach our office if you have further questions about our procedure for new patients. 

Cox Ocular Prosthetics, Inc. is conveniently located in the UAB Callahan Eye Foundation Professional Building at 700 South 18th Street, Suite 402 in Birmingham, Alabama.

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